Requirements: Mage 1, [I] 11+
You can summon magical spirits to aid you in combat.
Level 1. You learn the following spell:
Familiar: (MP cost 1, 2 TS) You summon an Arcane Sprite at a location within 1 unit. You control the spirit, it is your familiar.
Level 2. You learn the following spell:
Warp Bolt: (MP cost 1, 2 TS) Make an [I] spell attack roll against a creature within 6 units, a creature may choose to fail its defense roll. If you hit, you may teleport your familiar to a location within 1 unit of the target. The creature either regains 1d4 hit points or takes 1d4 damage, caster's choice.
Level 3. You can spend 1 MP and 1 TS to teleport to a location within 1 unit of your familiar.
The familiar summoning rule: (rule) A creature can only have 1 familiar. If a creature gains another familiar, it must choose to dismiss one of them, instantly destroying it.
Spells: (rule) A spell is an action you can take on a turn. Spells cost the listed amount of MP and TS to cast unless modified.