
Requirements: Mage 1, [I] 11+

You can move objects with your mind.

Level 1. You can move and lift objects within 4 units (must have line of sight) as though you had [V]itality equal to [I] + your spell attack bonus. You gain the following spell:

TK Blast: (MP cost 1-3, 3 TS) Make a spell attack roll against a target within 6 units to hit; if you hit, you deal 1d4 damage for each MP you spent to cast this spell.

Level 2. You gain the following spell:

TK Shove: (MP cost 2, 3 TS) Make a spell attack roll against a target within 4 units (must have line of sight) to hit; if you hit, the target is shoved 1d4 units away from you.

Level 3. You may have spell attacks do [I] additional damage if they hit. You gain the following spell:

TK Burst: (MP Cost 3, 5 TS) Each creature within 2 units of you must make a defense roll (Your [I]ngenuity or above to succeed) or take 3d6+[I] damage.

Spells: (rule) A spell is an action you can take on a turn. Spells cost the listed amount of MP and TS to cast unless modified.Â