200 HP
8 DR
Size 3x3 units
7 TS, Flight
[V] 20, [Q] 14, [I] 17, [U] 13, [A] 12
Claw attack. Brawling. 4d6 damage, reach 1 unit. +4 to hit. Rend 3.
Tail attack. Brawling. 2d8 damage, reach 2 units. +5 to hit. Cleave 3.
Fire Breath. Spell. 2d10 damage. reach 6 units. +3 to hit. Cleave 2. A creature hit by this attack gains 1d10 flame stacks.
Bite attack. Brawling. 5d8 damage, reach 1 unit. +2 to hit.
Tags: Draconic
Cleave: (weapon modifier) If there is another creature within a number of units equal to the level of Cleave from the target of an attack with this weapon, you may have that creature also be the target of an attack with this weapon.
Flame: (stacking debuff) At the end of each round, a creature with a flame stack takes 1 damage for each flame stack they have and makes a [U] roll against 12, if they succeed they remove 1 flame stack and may roll again.
Flight: (movement) A creature with flight can move vertically by spending TS as though it was moving normally. For a more realistic game, creatures may require more space to take off or have to spend more TS to move up. A creature with flight does not fall.